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Forum Posts

RRM3 Owner
Jan 26, 2025
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
how do I add a single eye with eyelid rather than a Look at eye? RRm3 as it is currently won't let me do this. or am I doing something wrong?
RRM3 Owner
Jan 16, 2025
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
Seems my animators are having issues with the rigging. Thoughts on what the issue could be? I do not have mayaspace controls active. so unsure why its bringing this stuff in embedded with the root bones. thoughts? I have the latest version. this is causing issues with multiple characters. Can you explain why they are there and what their purpose and if they affect anything or should affect anything animation wise or we can ignore them? or delete them? thank you. this is an urgent matter. I can get you more information if you require it. thank you.
problem with rigging in unreal. content media
RRM3 Owner
Dec 21, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
how do I create a singular eye with eye lid controls. I have it enabled currently, (but using look at which i guess isn't actually eyes ) but minus the eyelid controls. how do I add the eyelids to it without redoing the whole head? right now when I try to add a new eyelid, it wants to do 2 eyes instead of one.
RRM3 Owner
Nov 17, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
Hey dustin, I had a question. With unreal 5.5 coming out and offering modular rigging systems to incorporate into characters for games ( Does RRM3 offer this currently? if so, how would I go about doing this to work in unreal 5.5? thoughts?
RRM3 Owner
Jul 07, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
as the title suggests it sits at 0% when choosing a proxy template. also when choosing a proxy rig no template it seems huge, and the spine only makes a single node, not 5 when chosen. thoughts? I am using 6_29 version.
RRM3 Owner
Jun 01, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
is there no Z up proxy orientation? we are using unreal and not being able to orient the proxy so i can rig/skin my model in that orientation rather than rotate it 90 degree and save for the other animator do do his work? maybe I am missing something? the other artist has his own version so he can animate with the RRM rig. just noticed that again maybe Im overlooking something. or should that even be a bother and just export as "z up axis" under axis conversion making this a nothing burger lol. also is it possible to add an option to orient the rig in Z up orientation, since we using unreal. so the other artists don't need to jump between Y up and Z up orientation in settings depending on what rig they are working on.
RRM3 Owner
May 18, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
this is the issue my other artist seems to have. He has the latest i also uploaded to the latest, but this message was prior to this. what could this be?? the version I had was 5_11 version. Is there a way to export so that a person doesn't need RRM3 installed and still have all the controls enabled? so this way we don't run into these issues. thoughts? I am using Maya 2024.2 he is using Maya 2024.4 i think.
odd issue when sending scene with RRM3 rig to another artist
 content media
RRM3 Owner
Apr 30, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
seems controls don't follow the bones when I target a rokoko mocap animation to the character. How do I get the controls to follow the bones? or can that not be done?? at least currently. thoughts? here is an image of what I am talking about.
controls don't follow bones when using human IK in maya content media
RRM3 Owner
Apr 30, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
I am using rokoko vision mocap to do animations. overall everything seems to work fine minus one issue, the facial rigging is not parented in some way to follow the rest of the head. thoughts? can I send you the file so you can determine what it is?
Odd issue when using mocap content media
RRM3 Owner
Apr 21, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3
the bottom lip controls pull on the top lip controls a bit. is this normal? i uploaded a video highlighting this. This animation is just to make sure the range and "weight smoothness" is proper. I will be putting it into iclone8 later for mocap testing. just wanted to know if there is potential issues with how these lip controls move together like this. thanks.
bottom lips pull on top lip controls a bit content media
RRM3 Owner
Apr 15, 2024
In Rapid Rig: Modular V3 one is the default state, but as you can see it doesn't follow the shape of the eyelid on the inner and outer controls. it seems to be following some greyed out locked spline that in the shape of an eye. I made sure to only scale and rotate and not tranform when applying the eyelids in their positons to overlap the eyelids. when I generated the rig this was the result. moving the value in the channel box editor makes the result look wonky as the eye "closes". thoughts on this??


RRM3 Owner
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