Hi Dustin,
(Answering from the company account from now on). I downloaded the latest version and I am getting an error after instalation:
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2022/scripts/others/pluginWin.mel line 316: invalid syntax
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/rrm3/Contents/plug-ins/2022/rapidrig_modular_v3.py", line 21, in
# from rrm3.Contents.scripts.gui import main_gui_create_qt, maya_shelf
# File "C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\gui\main_gui_create_qt.py", line 13, in
# from rrm3.Contents.scripts.gui import main_tabs_control_settings, main_tabs_generate_rig, main_tabs_setup_proxies, \
# File "C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\gui\main_tabs_export.py", line 8, in
# from rrm3.Contents.scripts.control_rig.rig_post_build import fbx_export
# File "", line 1
# (rig=)
# ^
# SyntaxError: invalid syntax //
// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2022/scripts/others/pluginWin.mel line 316: Failed to run file: C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/rrm3/Contents/plug-ins/2022/rapidrig_modular_v3.py //
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2022/scripts/others/pluginWin.mel line 316: (rapidrig_modular_v3) //
First I installed over the old version and got the error, then I realized I actually have 2 instances in Apps&Features so I unistalled both, reinstalled and got the error again.
Is there a certain procedure to follow when installing a newer version? Some clean-up that I need to do first ?
Later Edit: I forgot to mention, I was using Maya 2022.4. We also tried it on a PC (also with 2022 )that didn't have it installed previously and we got the same error so ... that's that. However, it is loading in 2023 and 2024
Adding custom Parents to the follow list works now using the Biped preset but ... I created a simple custom rig, with just the root and two aux nodes (separate not created as a pair) and I am trying basically to add one as a parent for the other and then I get an error on generation:
Generating Rig
building skeleton RRM_handle_right
building handle_right joints
building skeleton RRM_handle_left
building handle_left joints
building controls handle_right
building handle_right controls
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\gui\main_tabs_generate_rig.py", line 169, in
# generate_rig_button.clicked.connect(lambda *args: self.build_rig())
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\gui\main_tabs_generate_rig.py", line 216, in build_rig
# rig_build_success = _build_rig.build_rig(rig_data_obj)
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\control_rig\_build_rig.py", line 176, in build_rig
# module.build(controls=True)
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\control_rig\build_modules\_build_module.py", line 119, in build
# self.build_side(start_nodes=start_nodes, joints=joints, controls=controls)
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\control_rig\build_modules\build_auxiliary.py", line 48, in build_side
# self.connect_module_to_targets()
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\control_rig\build_modules\build_auxiliary.py", line 159, in connect_module_to_targets
# self.space_switcher(attr_node=self.aux_ctrl[self.side], driven_node=follow_grp, attr_dict=attr_dict)
# File "C:\ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins\rrm3\Contents\scripts\control_rig\build_modules\_build_module.py", line 520, in space_switcher
# constraint = cmds.parentConstraint(constraint_list, maintainOffset=True)[0]
# ValueError: No object matches name: ['oot_Ctrl', 'handle_left_Aux_Jnt', 'handle_right_Follow_Grp']
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