Hello, I'm noticing an odd discrepancy between the RRM2 rig and RRM3. Here is a comparison image:
As you can see, the Controls on the RRM2 rig face Z forward, moving it forward results in a positive Z transform. This is also true of objects you create in Maya (cube, sphere, etc)
With RRM3, the Ctrl is facing -X, moving it forward results in a negative X transform.
I'm wondering if there is a reason for this change in orientation on the RRM3 controls? Can it be changed back?
It can create challenges when trying to move objects together and their orientations don't match.
Thank you
As previously mentioned, I have added Maya Space controls to the rig. These behave different from the rest of the rig, so I only recommend using these if you need to have them match the behavior of other rigs or nodes set up to Maya's space. You can read more about the new additions here: https://www.rapidrig.com/post/rapid-rig-modular-3-new-axes-controls
This topic comes up quite often so I made a blog post about it here: https://www.rapidrig.com/post/rapid-rig-modular-2-vs-3-axes