Seems my animators are having issues with the rigging. Thoughts on what the issue could be? I do not have mayaspace controls active. so unsure why its bringing this stuff in embedded with the root bones. thoughts? I have the latest version. this is causing issues with multiple characters. Can you explain why they are there and what their purpose and if they affect anything or should affect anything animation wise or we can ignore them? or delete them? thank you. this is an urgent matter. I can get you more information if you require it. thank you.

now i have the problem with the hound model where I select the mesh group, and the control rig and export through the export tab and it doesn't do anything.
would seem not. lol. didn't even dawn on me there was a export tab. lol. live and learn.
How are you exporting the character from Maya? If you are exporting fbx, did you use the functionality in the"Export" tab in the RRM3 UI? This will strip out the rig and only output the joints.